Thursday, July 2, 2009

Grandpa and Grandma have Anthony for a few days. We ran into them at the zoo. So we hung out for the remainder of the zoo tour.

Notice the outfit. We were getting ready for family home evening and Carter comes down in his pj's with a tie and black dress shoes on. Too funny.


Swimming lessons. We are going on our 6th week of lessons with the kids. Carter and Addison have done awesome. Carter in the 6 weeks has gone through 3 different levels. Carters teacher said he was one of the best listeners and students she has had. I was very proud. We were going to do 2 more weeks to give us 8 weeks of lessons but we're coming to Idaho, yeah!
Just feeding Bri some popcorn. What a animal. Love ya, Bri.

We took Bri to the zoo. It got up to 110 degrees. We didn't make it through the zoo. WAY TOO HOT. The kids were not to chipper as you can see on Addisons face. We went again the other day cause Bri wanted to see all the animals, luckily it was cloudy and not too bad.

This was on Fathers Day. Yes, yes, yes I know that I'm a little slow but what can I say.

Happy Fathers Day to the BEST DAY out there. Chad had a nice fathers day and we appreciate all the love he gives to us.

Carter practicing his dives. He has done so awesome this year with swimming.

Swimming with Grandpa Scott

As everyone knows Scott came to Phoenix and we got to hang out for a few days. Carter and Addison had fun playing in the big semi.
Addison wanted me to take a picture of her pretending to sleep.

Driving the truck


Melodee said...

Looks fun...HOT...but fun!

Lynne said...

great pictures do you think i could get copies of grandpa's visit or send them kodak way Can't wait to see you guys we got fireworks hey!!

lexie said...

It looks like you had a great time with everyone.Love all the pictures!