Thursday, July 30, 2009

(Sorry for the LONG POST. My desktop died so I'm posting from the laptop)
Science Center in Phoenix. They had a awesome lego exhibit. Carter loved it!

Kids got to put tubes together like a marble maze and the kids loved it.

Carter built his own space ship!

The Science Center had different exhibits along the way. One was about building houses, another was about electricity, etc..

Carter pulling his own weight up on the pulley system.

Can you see where Addison is hiding?

Sitting in the Lego Castle

Amazing lego work. I forgot to take more pictures of the other lego designs. Sorry.

Addison walking on a platform that demonstrates how you need your inner ear to keep your balance.

Putting the body together.

TRIP TO IDAHO. Ethan and Carter.

My brother Brian's baby boy Cade. As you can see he's a cute little chunk.

At Mel's house with the whole family.

Bowling as usual in Idaho.

HOLE IN ONE! Go Brian.


Roller cars at the Wixom's

Doing the slip and slide at Sara's. The kids loved it.

Brooke helping Issac along down the slide.

Addison wanted to model her swim suit with her cute hair I did.

My little CUTTIE with an attitude!


lexie said...

Looks like lots of fun. Wish we could have been in IF at the same time to see you guys. But I think we might make the AZ trip this winter again. Love Addi's hair. Can't wait til Emma's is that long! (if it will ever get that long!!)

Melodee said...

Looks like fun. It was great seeing you.