Monday, June 15, 2009

Sara and BriAnna came to visit us this past weekend. You'll see more of Bri cause she is staying with us till July. We didn't get to do much because Bri had a tooth ache which she ended up having to have a root canal and so basically that was our weekend with Sara. Sorry Sara next time we'll do everything that I had planned.

This is Addison's new bed that we've been working on. Claye and Chad put it together. The bed frame we had from Carter but they beefed it up on the sides and built the box for the bed. I couldn't decide on bedding but I think tonight I found the bedding I'm going to do.


Sorry that it has been so long since I've posted. We've been busy. This was Carters last day of Pre-Kindergarten. Issac was one of his best buds. Carter loves school and learned so much. He's reading pretty good and more advanced then I thought.

Mr. LeSueuer and Carter.

I had Carter take a picture of us on our Anniversary. We've now been married for 7 years. Hard to believe its been that long but its been great.


Melodee said...

Hey looks like you are having fun! Carter is pretty good with a camera. Glad you guys are coming soon.

lexie said...

Sorry about Bri having a toothache. That is no fun.It will be so nice to have her around to help. To bad none of my nieces are old enough to do that :) Happy 7 years. It is a pretty good picture!