Monday, November 1, 2010

Carter was Anakin from Star Wars for Halloween.

Then we have the lovely Belle. Grandma Rakay made the costume. She did a great job!

Addison's awesome teacher Miss Leslie! Addison saw her teacher in pj's when she got to school and told her she better get ready for the day. Too cute. She didn't realize that was her costume till she stuck the binky in her mouth.

Doing there Halloween songs.

Before we carved the pumpkins.

The carving of the pumpkins. Carter ACTUALLY touched and helped clean out the inside.

Addison collecting all the pumpkin seeds for me. Yum!

The finished product.

1 comment:

lexie said...

That is a totally awesome mask! My kids still won't touch the yucky pumpkin guts, but they do like the seeds.