Thursday, October 14, 2010

The kids have been on "Fall Break," this week. So I decided to get a little crafty. It ended up being a great day for us and the kids. The other day we were over at the grandparents house and Carter is talking to RaKay telling her how I had NO Halloween decorations up. I'm such a sinner. So I decided that we would do some fun crafty projects. The mason jars have tea lights in them but you can't tell. They're really cute. I got the idea off a blog. Then we did the tissue paper ghosts thanks to my elementary days when I paid attention and then Carter wanted to make spiders.


lexie said...

Super cute. That is funny that you did the tea light jars too! I like your tissue paper ghosts. I might just have to do that with my kiddos.

Lynne said...

What fun decorations!! Now you can be in holiday spirit....