Monday, February 22, 2010

Flying kites! We had a perfect windy day FINALLY to go do this. We all had lots of fun.

Carter and Addison were really good at flying them. Carter was beyond excited that his went so high in the sky. Good times.

Its been awhile so bare with me. Addison got to dress up for a friends party. She looked really cute as a cat.

Addison fell down off her bike and split her poor little mouth open. It was bleeding like crazy like most mouth injuries. At first I thought her tooth went through her lip but luckily it didn't.

Yes, yes Carter has lost a tooth. I can't believe he's old enough to loose teeth already. Seems like yesterday we were waiting for these teeth to come in. Here's the story of how he lost it: I went to pick Carter up for an appointment and he came walking down the hall way with a big smile. As he got closer I noticed his mouth was red. Then it hit me. Carter I said "where is your tooth!" He said "I pulled it out in school!" "The whole class gathered around me as I pulled my tooth out." He proceeded to tell me that he was so EXCITED the whole class got to see this moment of him pulling out his tooth! I'm just glad that I didn't have to pull it out. I do not like the sound of a tooth grinding against another tooth and also the roots tearing as you pull it out. To say the least my dad pulled most of my teeth out and I left the rest for my dentist to pull out.

Valentines Day! Thanks everyone for the cards and gifts!

All you need is LOVE.

We took the kids to The Museum of Natural History! It was pretty neat!

Carter comparing his femur bone to that of a dinosaur.

They had cute little floor puzzles all over of dinosaurs.

One of the odd shaped Medeorites.

Addison was convinced that this was the Kevin from UP. Too funny. Although they looked a lot a like.

At the end outside they had panning for gold.


Lynne said...

Thanks for all the pictures. The muesum looks fun I want to go next time I visit:)
I can't believe Carter is old enough to lose his baby teeth!! He is getting too big!!
Good job getting your kites so high Addi and Carter!!

lexie said...

Wow! How fun does all that look? The last time we went to the dino museum it scared Emma to death. :)