HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LITTLE ADDISON! Can't believe she is already 4.
Our friends rent out bounce houses for pretty cheap so we decided to go this route. The kids have so much fun!
Dora was the "theme" this year.
From the right we have Katty, Draedyn, Ava, Tatum, Lindsey, Madelynn, Addison and Carter.
Addison was so excited about eating this cake that she wanted some at 8:00 in the morning when she woke up.
Princess and Frog. She has been waiting and waiting for this movie.
Addison had a wonderful birthday. Thanks to everyone for making it great!
Our Spring Break in Oklahoma City! We had a lot of fun. Although we thought it might be a little warmer then in the 50's we made the best of it and everyone had a great time!
On Monday we went to the zoo.
Addison has some fun faces I've been able to get on camera. I can't wait to use this picture later on in life.
Petting the rabbit. Addison's been more open to animals lately.
Carter and Aiden
We went to Lake Arcadia. We did a little day camping. Roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. It was fun because we had the beach, play ground and camp site all to ourselves. We all bundled up and started to dig in the sand. The kids loved it.
For those of you who haven't been to the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial these pictures are for you. There are two walls that represent the time in which it happened. 9:01 is the time before the blast.
The other wall represents the minute after the blast (9:03). Very peaceful place to go to.
At the memorial they have chalk boards on the ground in front of the museum so people can leave messages.
Tiles that children did for the memorial, its right by the chalkboards.
I love this picture of Emma and Addison.
Lexie and Chad
Every row stands for the floor that the person who died worked on. Nine rows in all.
You wonder where Addison is? If you look closely she is hiding behind Chad having a melt down. No worries she still wanted her picture taken.
Don't you just love her face!
We had such a great time. Emma cried the whole way home cause she didn't want you guys to leave. All the pictures turned out so good-will you email me the memorial ones? thanks! And thanks again for coming-it ment a lot!
madelynn loved the birthday party! that jumper was a big hit!
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