Friday, October 30, 2009

Arghh...Happy Halloween! The pirates with the "pirate princess."

The princess is our prisoner. Nice face Carter.

Wow! He's really trying to slice my throat! Justing kidding! We had a blast dressing up. From now on we're dressing up every year.

Pictures of all the kids we went with. The kids had a great time! It made it much more fun with the entourage of people.

I thought this was cool. This guy had a living room set up outside. It was 70 or so outside so everyone gathers outside in there yards to hand out candy. I love it, it makes it so fun! All the decorations were amazing. People really go all out.

Carter pulling some of the girls.

The loot! One house gave out toys. Very awesome!

Princess Snow White! Yes, she was suppose to be a pirate but how could I tell a crying Addison "no." She said "I'm not a pirate, I'm a snow white princess." I figure she'll be our princess pirate, some how. She LOVES snow white!!!

Thank you, thank you. I think her hair turned out soooo cute.

Random. The outfit matched her hair bow after her party so she wanted a picture taken.

PUMPKIN TIME! Carter was so excited to carve his own pumpkin this year. He did great!

Addison's favorite part of pumpkin carving was pulling out the seeds and playing in the mess. We made roasted pumpkin seeds and she loved every minute of it.

Carter carved is own pumpkin this year! Go Carter! He wanted a scary face so this is it.

Trying to imitate the scary pumpkin. Addison wanted "BOO" on her pumpkin.

Meet Captain Jack Sparrow. Carter looked great. Although he did not get to take his sword to school which he was bummed out about but we survived.

Pirate face.

Carter at my booth doing the ring toss.

Carter's friend Philip

I dressed up for Carter's Halloween party. It was so fun to be pirates together.

Lindsey and Carter. I didn't have a lot of time to take photos since I was running a booth.

Addison at nursery party. Addison also had a school party but I took the pictures on my phone camera so I need the cord to download. Whoops! She had such a wonderful time going from party to party. Much more of an eventful Halloween this year. We've had a great time!


lexie said...

Love it love it love it! Halloween is the best! Now- you need to send them to me :)

Turley Family said...

we had a great time trick or treating with ya all! i didn't know you had a blog!

madelynn can't wait to have addison over!

Lynne said...

You made a great pirate family! Carter looked awesome as captain jack and sweet as a princess pirate :) Good job carving the pumpkins. papa was home only one night so we got to carve a pumpkin too! But carters is the best :)

♥Tami said...

What a fun mom and dad you are! Great pictures! You crack me up!