As soon as we got home from Idaho, we wasted no time in getting all the decorations out. Thanks to Carter. Although I wanted them up too.
Our new blow ups that we got in Idaho.
Just because.....
This year we had the kids decorate there own trees to put in there rooms. They loved it! Don't mind Carter, lately he's been doing the peace sign in all photos. Don't know where he picked that up from.
Up in Idaho at Sara's house. Carter was so excited that Sara decided to get the Christmas decorations out. He helped with everything.
I opted not to get into the hot tub. I was freezing while visiting.
Thanksgiving day. Yes, I'm a little behind in updating the blog. We had a great time in Idaho. It was good to see everyone. Brian and Valerie were able to come and Lynne and Scott came for Thanksgiving dinner too.
It worked out nicely to come to Idaho although we wished that Spencer, Lexie and kids could of made it. The minute we got off the plane I started shaking from the cold which I knew could not be a good sign. Although I froze most of the time it was great to be able to spend time with the family. On Saturday it snowed so the kids stood outside playing in it and enjoying every minute of it.
your tree and other decor looks good. Glad you had fun!
What a baby you are! You would think you could handle the cold!!! I guess that means you are an Arizonian (?) now!! Love the trees and having the kids get their own is a cute idea!
The trees look awsome. E had a great time playing with Carter!
Decorations all look great! I love the idea of letting the kids do their own!
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