Sunday, March 15, 2009


Yes, you guessed it. He attempted to cut his own hair. To say the least I was not too pleased with his decision. I asked him why? His answer was he just needed to see what it was like to cut his hair. Then he got scared because I had him look in the mirror to see the damage. I told him that we would have to buzz his hair off then he immediately says "Am I going to be bald like Grandpa Mitchell?" Then he says "do you think Sister Hammond (primary teacher) will think my hair is ugly?." I just started laughing because it was too cute. Although I love his hair longer, it will grow again. I'm just glad it wasn't Addison that got the hair cut.

Carter was a little embarrassed. He said "why do we have to take pictures?" I said well to post to the blog and for memories.

After I buzzed his hair all off. Then I noticed that on the sides he had taken more cuts but I guess he did that yesterday come to find out but he cut underneath the layers so I didn't notice yesterday. He was like "yep I cut that part yesterday." Carter is now under monitoring of anything that needs to be cut.


lexie said...

That is my worst fear! At least it wasnt' Addi's. Carter can get away with a buzz cut but I think it would look funny on Addi!

Melodee said...

Too funny!

Lynne said...

Remember we never play w/ scissors Carter :) You still have more hair than Grandpa Mitchell :)
I love you no matter how much hair you have!! Just make sure next time only mommy or the barber cuts you hair

Whatever said...

When Jeremy was about 1 or 2, Lynzee cut his hair. Lynzee was about 8 at the time. Thank goodness hair grows back. Except for Scott's

Billie said...

Wait until Carter is 17 and dies it pink.