Sunday, February 15, 2009

Carter, Carter, Carter.... It rained really hard and then hailed. It obviously was in the morning since he's wearing his lovely bathrobe. We ran to get a picture because we thought it was funny.

This picture is at a reserve a few miles from us. Lexie and Spencer were with us. Addison did not want to sit in the circle so here's Carter.

Hey, at least Chad and I are looking at the camera. Go us!

At Claye and RaKays roasting marshmellows with Spencer, Lexie and kiddies.

Carter started tennis! This was his first lesson which was two weeks ago. Sorry we didn't get a front view. We didn't want to be distracting while the teacher was teaching.

In action. Carter loved it.

Addi girl playing around. Although I was in school while Spencer and Lexie were here the kids got to do a lot together which was nice.

Zoo time! Sometimes I wish Carter could take a normal picture. Oh well, whats the fun of that.

Sting ray bay. This exhibit is awesome, its at the zoo from November until April. They take the stingers off of them and then you can go and touch them. The kids love it.


Melodee said...

Looks like you have had a lot of fun. I wish I could have been there.

lexie said...

Love the bathrobe picture.Was he singing "singing in the rain"?
We had a great time with you guys. Now it is your turn to come out here!

Lynne said...

Thanks for all the pictures. Wow, Carter you look like a tennis pro!!