Friday, December 26, 2008

Carter and Addison all dressed up for Sunday. I love Christmas dresses. I think this is the best picture. Yes, I'll send it to you grandma's in kodak so you may print it off.

So handsome.

Addison showing off her new dress. She loves to get all dolled up for church because she loves nursery.

Sorry I got this picture mixed up it was suppose to be at the end of the blog. All of Carters lego sets.

Christmas tree before all the excitement.

Carter got a helmet, I wonder what he got this year.

Thanks Grandpa and Grandma Wixom for the cash. The kids loved it. I think Addison might of like the singing card more than any of her gifts. Go figure.

Grandpa and Grandma Dance stopped over for Christmas. Grandma was a big help with opening up all the toys. Thank you because I can't stand getting the toys out of the hard plastic wrap covering.

Of course Carter got more legos.

Carter's new bike that Santa brought and the plus is its green.

Going through the stocking. Lots and lots of little stuff.
Addison had to have a picture of her princess shoes. She loved them so much. Addi has not taken them off. She switches all throughout the day.

Addison new loving family grand dollhouse that Santa brought. I didn't know how much she would enjoy it but she loves it soooo much.

Ariel, Ariel and more Ariel.

1 comment:

lexie said...

So cute! It looks like you guys had an awesome christmas. Emma got a doll house too! It is all she plays with.
Were are the pictures of you and chad on christmas morining?