Monday, April 19, 2010

Styling in her new glasses that she picked out! Of course they had to be pink.

Okay, yes this is beyond over due. Last time grandpa came to visit he took them to the store to get a toy. Carter got a helicopter that flies by remote. Its always fun when grandpa comes!

Addison got a Hello Kitty.

In March they had a carnival for the kids. This is Carter, Phillip and Joshua.

Waiting in line for Carter to rock climb.

Sorry, I got the pictures in the wrong order. Carter did great. The funny story goes like this: This other kid was telling Carter that he was going to make it to the top before Carter. He also stated that Carter wouldn't make it to the top. Well, this kid didn't even make it half way and Carter went to the very top! Go Carter!

Extra pictures I forgot to add when we went to Lexie's for Spring break.

Figure it out! Addison sure will love this picture later down the road.

Draedyn got this umbrella for Addison and she plays with it none stop! She wanted a picture with it.

Carter's class made this Easter get up. I wish you could of all seen them coming out of class with this on. It was really entertaining (in a good way).

That's right people! I went to a Suns game for my birthday! It was fun! Chad also got me a nice boutique of flowers and a spa gift certificate for a massage, pedicure, manicure and facial. Thanks, Chad and kids!

It was nice because no one was sitting around us!

Carter and Chad went to the father's and sons outing together with Claye. Carter caught a frog with his friends. Although I don't think you can see it.

Easter pictures.

Just my size cactus. We've been hiking a lot this winter. This hike we went up to a wind cave. Not the same wind cave us Idaho people are use to. It was still fun. It was more or less a hollowed out side of a mountain. Not a cave you go into and explore.

It was neat because on the side of the mountain the bee's had made a nest and you could see all the honeycombs that were made.

Cactus in bloom

Addison loves grandpa as a hiking buddy!

1 comment:

lexie said...

Those were some fun pictures! you need to send me some of those!!