Sunday, October 18, 2009

Spending the week with Grandma Mitchell was so fun! It wouldn't of been complete with out a scorpion which she got to end the week with!

We did so many things but the pumpkin patch was the first thing we started the week with.

Grinding corn. Addison thought it was exciting.

They had a maze the kids could ride around in.

Instead of a sand box they had a corn box they could play in. The kids loved it!

Corn maze.

Minature golf. Grandma got 4 hole in ones. This was her first one.

I found a train park in Scottsdale. It was awesome! They had a train the kids could ride on, a carousel, a museum with full sized trains and two big play grounds. Everyone had a great time.

We had to go to the zoo. The sting rays came back while grandma was here so Carter was very excited to show her.

It warmed up to 104 by Saturday so we got to go swimming. Last week it was in the 80's so I thought we wouldn't be able to go but it heated up just for us. Now we want it to cool down.



Lynne said...

It was the best week ever!! I hope to come back again!!! You forgot your promise no swimsuit pics :) I love of you and miss you already

Melodee said...

Looks like lots of fun.

lexie said...

So fun! I love when grandma comes. But the gma withdrawals the kids go through after-not so much fun!