Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Finding our Easter baskets. It was so funny because Chad worked last night so he wanted me to wait till he got home before the kids got there baskets. Well when Carter got down the stairs and saw that the baskets were not where we had left them he looked at me and said "I guess the Easter Bunny didn't leave us anything but he took our baskets." I was laughing so hard. So when Chad got home Carter was very pleased that the "Easter Bunny" just hid the baskets.

We dyed Easter eggs and decided we better make one for Jesus.

We had a Easter Egg hunt with some kids from church on Friday. The kids had so much fun! Although I could not be there Chad had lots of fun with them.

Crazy kids!


Lynne said...

Looks like Easter was lots of fun!!! I am so glad you found your baskets:) You looked so cute in your new outfits. I am sure Jesus was smiling from heaven when he saw his egg:) See you soon We love you guys G&G Mitchell

lexie said...

I can't believe we only have 8 days left! I better get packing!! I am glad that you guys had a good easter. The kids looked cute as always.