Guess who did this cake? Not too shabby, eh? Chad did it! Yeah! Go Chad! Chad was very nervous that I put him in charge of this but as everyone knows at this time I'm on my internship so I have been gone everyday until 7:00 pm. I think Chad did excellent, thanks for taking on this cake.
Chad's first and last princess cake. I don't think he wants to do it again. I don't know why, though. He's great at it.
Sorry birthday pictures are a little backwards.
Addison has been bugging for a backpack we found this at a outdoor expo they have going on.
Nice eyes Addison. She was trying to see if she could see minnie mouse.
Although Addison does not watch Dora she has been asking for this figurine. She loves it.
Way to go Chad! The cake looks awesome! It looks like Addi had a good birthday.,
Chad next stop wilton classes:) looks like lots of fun was had
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